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  • postcard from sweden
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May 4, 2022
Postcard From Sweden from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

"Well .... I ended up with another April binding challenge finish after all!  My LAer got my latest three quilts done and they were picked up on Tuesday last week.  There was a hurry to get this quilt finished because a young person is going to be receiving it as a 10th birthday gift.  I just know there will be lots of squealing going on when she opens her gift bag.

On Saturday night, there was a zoom meeting with Chookyblue and this was my project to try and finish before midnight ..... and I did it!   Go and read her post ...

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March 18, 2022
Postcard from Sweden from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Well, I'm tickled pink that my top is a top.  That is an odd expression .... but nonetheless, I'm very pleased.  I wonder if anyone else participating in the quilt-along that was hosted by will add borders to their tops?  Go here to see other quilts/tops and the link to Instagram.

Backing fabric has been pulled and that will be next to get made.  Batting will be frankenpieced.  Have you heard about the cost of batting these days?  Every little piece counts and will get pieced together.  I still have batting on rolls, but ...

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February 26, 2022
Postcard from Sweden from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Have you seen all the progress on the newest sew-along called "Postcard from Sweden" at ?   Some time ago, she offered the pattern and since there was a bin of solids and polka dot fabrics in my stash .... well, I couldn't resist, now could I?  LOL

I received my pattern and then started cutting out as close as possible to the colours in the pattern.   My goal was to use up what was in my bins.  In a lot of cases, my colours were way off and that was expected to happen.

Once my triangles were ...

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  • postcard from sweden
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